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Leave Settings

How to submit a leave booking

Updated over a week ago

General Settings

Allow non-administrators to cancel their own leave bookings before the leave booking starts
This setting will allow employees and approvers to cancel their own leave from the leave bookings page, as long as the leave booking has not started.

Allow users to specify daily leave booking in decimals

Allow bookings which will result in a negative leave balance
This setting will allow users to submit leave bookings if they do not have enough leave to cover the requested leave

Use separate leave pools for each task
This setting will allow for leave to be allocated on a task by task basis. Once you have switched on the leave pools you will be able to set the amount of leave per task each employee will receive. To set the number of leave days for a task go to System Management > Tasks > Edit a task > Leave days.

Attach iCalendar file with approved leave request emails
Approved leave email notifications will contain a calendar file which can be used to update your calendar in a wide variety of emailing products such as Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar.

A Leave note must be submitted with each leave request
This setting will require leave bookings to have a note about the type of leave being requested when creating a leave booking

Allow overlapping hourly leave bookings for different leave types

Track leave balances

Leave Categories

Leave categories allow you to differentiate between the different types of requested leave when viewing your leave calendar. Categories are selected by the leave submitter when creating a new leave booking
When creating a leave category, you will have some additional options when creating a new leave category

The name which will appear in the leave calendar when leave has been submitted

Standard View
Any leave set up using the standard category will be visible to all users who have access to the leave calendar

Private Unavailable
Any leave set up using the private unavailable option will not be visible on the leave calendar. This can only be viewed by the requester when visiting their own leave calendar,or the administrator/approver when viewing the employeess leave request

Any leave using hidden will be hidden from all users when viewing the leave calendar, except the administrator and the requester

Requires Approval
Specifies whether the leave booking requires approval before being added into the leave calendar

Deduct from main leave balance
Allow for leave to be submitted without using up a employee's leave balance.

Leave Mandatory Bookings

Leave mandatory bookings once created will be applied to all users within your account. Mandatory bookings can be used for such things as shut-down periods / Christmas holidays.

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