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Pricing & Usage calculations

Explains how we work out your usage

Updated over a week ago

Timesheet Portal provides a pay-as-you-go model for pricing. We charge for the number of users using any subscribed module during a single calendar month or, in some cases, we charge for the usage of a module, for example by the number of client invoices.

Our flexible pricing structure in a nutshell

You can choose the modules you subscribe to, and each module has various brackets. The first bracket effectively sets a minimum fee for that module, and includes a number of units in the minimum fee. For example, when using timesheets, expenses and leave, you pay for the first five users, and then a price per additional user until you reach the next bracket. When you reach the next bracket, the price per additional user decreases.

If you choose more than one module to subscribe to, you will only pay for the number of users using each module. So you can have 100 people submitting timesheets and only five submitting expense forms, and pay accordingly for the usage of each module.

How we determine usage of each subscription module


Charging basis


Number of users having created or submitted any timesheets during the billing period. This includes a zero hour timesheet.


Number of users with flexitime module enabled, having created or submitted any timesheets during the billing period..


Number of users having any expense forms created during the billing period.

Leave bookings

Number of users having leave bookings that exist in the future, and also for any bookings which occur in the past, but created during the billing period.


Number of users linked to an invoice created during the billing period. This includes a manual invoice, invoices linked to a user's timesheet or a user's expense form. Charges are incurred for active and deleted invoices.

Self Billing

Number of users who have had self billing invoices created for them. This includes the users included within a third party invoice. For example, if you raise a single umbrella company invoice for 10 workers, you are charged for the 10 workers.

Document Storage

Charged by the number of uploaded documents within the billing period. There is a minimum monthly fee to pay when this module is enabled.

Document Signing

Fixed monthly fee.

Checking your usage

To get a summary and detailed views of your usage figures for a given month, click on Settings at the bottom of the left hand menu, and the click Billing->Account Usage. From here, you can select any given month during which your subscription has been active. Use the buttons on the top-right to view usage for different modules, or click the Download button to download a CSV showing your account usage details.

Understanding your bill
Your bill will itemise each module and may include 2 items if you your usage places you above the first bracket. Your invoice items will list the lowest full bracket, and then list any additional usage above that bracket as a separate item. Please see the following example (the prices in this example may not be our actual prices)

We charge £20 for the first 5 timesheet users, plus £1.70 for each additional submitter..
If your usage was 55 timesheet submitters, you will have one invoice item for £20.00 for first 5 submitters, and then another for 50 x £1.70 for the next 50 users.

Your invoice items will be described as follows:
£20 - Timesheets module (first 5 users)
£85 - Timesheet module (additional 50 users)

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