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Import employeetermplural
Import employeetermplural

Describes the process for creating/editing client company records

Updated over a week ago

To import a file of employees, go to System Management in the left-hand menu, then Import, then click on Employees.

Click Upload file and navigate to the file you wish to upload. After uploading, you will be given a list of available employee fields which you must map the fields in your own file, so that we know which of your columns relate to what data being imported. The following fields can be uploaded into Timesheet Portal:




First name


First name

Last name


Last name



Email address used for logging in.

Employee Code


This is the unique code for the employee. When importing, you must always specify a code so that if you import the same records again, they will be updated rather than resulting in duplicates. We will match the employee using the employee code

Join Date


The date the employee joined the system. If you do not specify a date, the current date will be used

Mobile Number


Mobile phone number of the employee, used only if you have enabled timesheet approval by text message. Numbers to be entered as +44 then the number



This is the list of Employee Group codes which this employee is a member of. Separate each code using a comma, the first code will be set as the primary group.

Timesheet Approver Codes


Employee Code of the person responsible for approving this employee’s timesheets. Enter multiple approver codes separated by commas.

Timesheet Approval Mode


Enter 'single' or leave blank for single stage approval. Enter 'multiple' for multiple stage approval.

Expense Approver Code


Employee Code of the person responsible for approving this employee’s expense forms. Enter multiple approver codes separated by commas.

Employee Role


Employee Role. This must match up to one of the configured roles from the Settings >Lists page.

Home cost centre code


This is the home cost centre code for the employee. By assigned a home cost centre, the employee will automatically be able to see projects from that cost centre available to add to their timesheets even if the chargecodegroup is not marked visible to everyone.

Assigned Permissions


Permissions to assign to this employee. Multiple permissions can be specified by separating them with a comma. See below for a list of permissions. To leave the current permissions intact, leave this field blank. To remove all permissions, use permission 'None'.

Line Manager User Code


This is the employee code of the line manager to be assigned to the employee being imported.

Target utilisation %


The employee target utilisation figure, expressed as a number without the percentage symbol.

Employment type


The employment type for the employee. Valid options are:

Limited company name


The name of the limited company if the employee employment type is set to 'LimitedCompany'.

Limited company taxable


Whether the employee limited company uses tax for invoices sent. This is applicable for self billing employees only. Enter either Y or N here.

Leave date


The date on which the employee stopped working. Their account is no longer active after this date and they cannot log in.

Enable self billing


Whether or not to enable self billing. Enter either Y or N here.

View self billing invoices


Whether or not the employee can view the self billing invoices produced for them. Enter either Y or N here.

CIS Status


CIS status for employee. Valid values are:

Employee Role


Employeeterm role assigned to the employee. This requires the Role Code value entered here, which is configured in Settings > Employee > Roles

Available Permissions

Non-administrative permissions

  • TimesheetsSubmitTimesheets - Allow submission of timesheets

  • ExpensesSubmitExpenseForms - Allow submission of expenses

  • LeaveSubmitLeaveRequest - Allow submission of leave requests

  • SelfBillingUser - Enables self billing for the employee

  • TimesheetsAddTasksToTimesheets - Allow the employee to add project to their timesheet.

  • TimesheetsSelfApprove - Employee timesheets are self approved, unless they have been assigned a timesheet approver.

  • ExpensesSelfApprove - Employee expenses are self approved, unless they have been assigned to an expense approver

  • LeaveApproveOwnLeave - Approve own leave bookings

Line Manager Permissions

  • ReportingOwnManagees - Run any reports on managees

  • TimesheetsEditTimesheetsForManagees - Edit / submit timesheets on behalf of managees

  • LeaveEditManageesLeave - Edit / submit leave bookings on behalf of managees

Administrative Permissions

  • ReportingFull - Run any report (includes to ability to view charge and pay rates in reports)

  • ReportingFullOnlyChargeRates - Run any reports but only view time and charge rates (no pay rates)

  • ReportingOwnEmployeeGroup - Run any reports on emmployeetermplural in the same group as the employee granted the permission

  • ClientsCreateEditDeleteAny - Access the clients page to manage clients

  • ChargeCodeGroupCreateEditDeleteAny - Access the project page to manage projects and project

  • ChargeCodeCreateEditDeleteAny - Access the project page and manage project

  • UsersCreateEditDeleteAny - Access the users page to manage users.

  • UsersCreateEditDeleteAnyNoPermissions - Access the employeepluyral page to manage employees, but not able to modify any administrative permissions

  • UsersViewAny - Access the employees page and view all employees and their details

  • TimesheetsEditAnyTimesheets - Manage all timesheets, includes the ability to edit or create on behalf of other others

  • ExpensesManageAllExpenseForms - Manage all expense forms, includes the ability to edit or create on behalf of others

  • LeaveManageAllLeaveBookings - Manage all leave bookings, includes the ability to delete bookings, create manual adjustments and create on behalf of others

  • RatesManageAllRates - Access the rates management page to configure employee and project rates

  • LeaveViewFullCalendar - Access the leave bookings calendar for everyone

  • ClientInvoicingManager - Access the client invoicing page and generate / modify invoices

How to separate first and last names

If your list of employees does not have First and Last names in separate columns, you can use the following Excel formulae to split the first and last names if they are in the format "Last Name, First Name":
To get the Last Name, use =LEFT(B2,FIND(",",B2,1)-1)
To get the First Name, use =RIGHT(B2,LEN(B2)-FIND(",",B2,1))

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