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Timesheet Settings

Timesheet Settings

Updated over a week ago

Timesheet Portal allows you to configure various options for timesheets. Some of these are global to all timesheets, and others are specific to individual project.

This page provides help for configuring global settings. If the configuration feature you are looking for is not here, please check the project page.

To access the timesheet settings page, click Settings in the left-hand menu, then Timesheets then Timesheets from the sub-menu.

Timesheet Due Date

At the bottom of the page is the Timesheet Due Date section.

The timesheet due date is the time and date when your timesheet is due. You specify this time as the number of days before or after the timesheet week ends. For example, your timesheet week starts on Monday and finishes on Sunday and you want your timesheet submission deadline to be Monday at 10am. You would set the number of days to 0 days after the end of the timesheet week, and 10:00 as the deadline. For Tuesday 10am, you would set it to 1 day after the end of the timesheet week, or for Sunday, set it to 1 day before.

If you would like reminder emails to be sent to employees if they have not submitted their timesheets when the deadline has passed, go to Settings > Notifications > Scheduled timesheet , where there is an extensive range of settings available.

Please note that timesheets can still be submitted after the deadline has passed.

Early Submission

This option is available by clicking the Submission tab.

It allows you to configure how early in advance a timesheet can be submitted. Most businesses will leave this at seven days so that users can submit timesheets right at the beginning of the week in the case that they are going on Leave from the start of the week. Remember, if you would like your employees to submit timesheets containing Leave time in advance of their Leaves, you might want to consider increasing these days or allowing them to submit timesheets as early as they want.

Hours per day

This option lets you configure the minimum number of hours that must be worked to consider the time either a half day or a full day. Some companies prefer to report by days worked rather than hours worked, irrespective of the number of hours worked - for example, John works 6 hours on Mon, and 7 hours on Tue, but he is paid the same daily rate as long as he works at least 6 hours in a day. This does not change the way timesheets are entered into the system, but changes the way reports are produced. You can display total days worked in reports by changing the Time display to Total days in the report configuration options.

Timesheet Appearance

To alter timesheet appearance, go to Timesheets > Timesheets and click the fourth tab, Appearance.

Show Totals For Each Day

If this box is ticked, then a row will be included at the bottom of the timesheet showing the total hours for each day. Daily totals will only sum up hourly rates. Daily rates will not be included in these totals, although they are shown in the weekly totals.

Show Start/Break/End rate totals
Ticking this box means that whenever a Start/End or Start/Break/End rate is used, an additional row is added for the rate showing the total for that Start/Break/End combination. You can use this in conjunction with daily totals, but if you only have a single rate being displayed in a timesheet then you will be duplicating the same information.

Display custom timesheet message

If text is entered in this box, the message will be displayed at the top of a user's timesheet in a blue box. To disable this feature, just delete all the text here.

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