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Rate currencies

Managing pay and charge currencies

Updated over a week ago

Timesheet Portal allows for the tracking of multiple pay and charge currencies. Currencies are ultimately defined within the rate mapping record from the Rates Management page, but you can also configure default rate mappings on projects,.

Default pay and charge currencies can be set for individual projects by editing the project record. Additionally, you can allow for differing pay currencies by enabling the setting 'Use employee default currency for pay rates' from Settings > Timesheets > Rates > Rate Settings. When this option is enabled, pay currencies will be determined by the currency set as the employee record 'Default Currency'. If you have already configured a pay rate against the employee and then change their currency, you will need to delete the rate for the employee from the Rates Management page, and then re-create it.

Updating a project currency will result in all the existing charge rates being updated, so you may need to adjust individual charge rates to match the new currency after performing an update on the currency. If the setting to use employee default currencies is not enabled, then the update of a project currency will update all existing pay rates against the project. If this setting is enabled, then the updating of currencies will only occur on rate mappings which are not linked to employees. For example, if you have a default project pay rate of €100.00, and an employee whose default currency is USD has a pay rate against that project of $50.00, an update to the project currency to GBP would change the default project pay rate to £100.00, but as the employee has a specific mapping against them, their pay rate for this project remains at $50.00, not £50.00. To update the currency, you will need to locate the rate mapping in the Rates Management page, delete it, and then re-create it.

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