The table below lists the substitution tags available for the Sage Connector line item export. These tags allow you to customise the way line items are created in Sage when exporting client or self billing invoices.
[EMPLOYEENAME] | Employee full name |
[EMPLOYEECODE] | Employee code |
[EMPLOYEEACCOUNTINGCODE] | Employee accounting code |
[JOBNAME] | Description of the task |
[JOBCODE] | The task code |
[JOBACCOUNTINGCODE] | The task accounting code |
[CHARGECODECATEGORY] | The description of the task category |
[CHARGECODECATEGORYCODE] | The category code of the task |
[CHARGECODEGROUP] | Project description |
[RATENAME] | Rate name of the rate associated with timesheet invoice line items |
[RATECODE] | Rate code of the rate associated with timesheet invoice line items |
[RATEUNITS] | Units for which timesheet invoice line items are associated with |
[UNITPRICE] | Rate of charge or pay for invoice line item |
[WORKQTY] | Number of units applied to the invoice line item |
[ITEMDESC] | The full description as per the invoice line item |
[CLIENTNAME] | Invoice client name |
[CLIENTCODE] | Invoice client code |
[CLIENTACCOUNTINGCODE] | Invoice client accounting code |
[CLIENTCATEGORY] | Invoice client category |
[PURCHASEORDER] | Purchase order for the invoice |
[CONSULTANTCODE] | Code of the task consultant assigned |
[CONSULTANTACCOUNTINGCODE] | Accounting code of the task consultant assigned |
[CONSULTANTNAME] | Full name of the task consultant assigned |
[INVOICEDDATE] | Invoice date |
[INVOICEPERIODSTART] | Invoicing period start date |
[INVOICEPERIODEND] | Invoicing period end date |
[ITEMPERIODSTART] | Starting date of the invoice item time period (e.g. first day of the week or first day of the month)t |
[DATE] | Invoice item date |