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Sage Business Cloud troubleshooting

Troubleshooting invoice export errors for Sage Business Cloud

Updated over a week ago

This article helps you troubleshoot your Sage Business Cloud exports. Below are some common errors you may receive from a Sage Client Invoice or Self Billing export:

Sage Error Code: RecordInvalid, Message: Couldn't find Service., Source field:
This error indicates a failure to link the invoice item with a Sage service. Please check your Sage service mapping to ensure it is still valid. You may have deleted the Sage service associated with the line item, or may have recently change the type of mapping for Sage service. For example, if your Sage service mapping is set to Cost Centre, then open up the cost centre for which the invoice line item is associated with, and check it is mapped to a Sage service.

The client 'XXX' is not associated with a Sage contact, and the option to create a customer contact in Sage is disabled, therefore this invoice could not be exported.
As the error message suggests, there is no link between the Timesheet Portal client and its equivalent Sage customer. All client records in Timesheet Portal must be linked to their Sage equivalent. Matching the names does not solve the problem as we link to the unique Sage customer Id. You can resolve this either by ticking the option to create new client records in Sage, found in Settings > Integrations > Sage Business Cloud. Or you can go to your client record in Timesheet Portal, and on the screen which shows the client charts, there is a Sage Business Cloud synchronisation status section below. Select "Sage Options" and choose Link Client to link to an existing Sage customer, or choose Export to create a customer record in Sage.

This vendor is not currently linked to Sage. Could not create a new vendor in Sage as the vendor name 'XXX' already exists. Please go to your integration settings to map your Timesheet Portal entity to the Sage Business Cloud vendor
All Timesheet Portal third parties and employee limited companies must be mapped to a Sage vendor. It is not sufficient just to have a matching name, as Timesheet Portal links to Sage vendors using their unique Sage Ids. To map the vendor, you need to edit either the third party record or the employee record, and look for the Sage Synchronisation section under the Main Details tab. Use the drop-down in the section to choose to Link to Sage Vendor, so you can create the link between the Timesheet Portal record and Sage vendor.

The cost centre for this invoice could not be linked to a ledger account. Please edit the record and set the cost centre. If the cost centre is already set, then you will need to check the cost centre record itself to ensure it is mapped to a Sage ledger account.
The above error occurs when your Sage integration settings are configured to set the Sage ledger account according to the cost centre. You can check what cost centre is set against your client invoice or self billing invoice by exposing the Cost Centre field on the respective invoicing page. If it is blank, then you will need to check the task record / client record to check if a cost centre has been set. For self bills, the cost centre can also be applied using the employee home cost centre. Once you have set the cost centre, you will need to edit and re-save the invoice to force the cost centre to be re-determined.
If the cost centre is not blank, then the issue lies with the cost centre to ledger account mapping. You will need to edit the cost centre record, and check the Sage ledger mapping drop-down to ensure a ledger account has been mapped for that cost centre.

The client XXX does not have a full main or billing address. Invoice cannot be exported as Sage does not allow an invoice to be created with a blank address
Sage Business Cloud invoices must have a billing address set against them. This means at least line one and the city must be populated. If your Sage customer or vendor record already has an address set, then we will use this address, however if the Sage record does not have an address set and nor does the Timesheet Portal record, then the export will fail. To resolve, either set an address in Sage, or edit the client record in Timesheet Portal, and set a billing address. For self billing invoices, you will need to edit either the third party record or employee business address specified in the employment tab.

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