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Employee Absenteeism Report

Explains how the Employee Absenteeism Report calculates its values

Updated over a week ago

The Employee Absenteeism Report is a useful report to give you an insight into frequency and total days of employee's absence, allowing you to instantly spot the more and less productive employees.

In order for this report to work, you must have configured your absence tasks. Please read the "Absence Tracking Overview" page from the "Absence Tracking & Reporting" help section.

To run an employee absenteeism report, go to "Tools & Reports" and select "Create Report". You then need to expand the "Employees" section to view the "Employee Absenteeism Report". The only filters available for this report are the start and end dates to report from. We recommend you always report on the last calendar year.

Absence Units Note
In order to calculate absence correctly, you must record all your absence using the same units, e.g. either hours or days, but not a mixture of the two. If you wish to record absence in hours and in days then we suggest you decide on a nominal amount for a day, e.g. a day of absence is recorded as 8 hours. If you mix units, then you will get unexpected results as our system will not convert between the two.

Running this report will produce a table with the following columns:
Bradford Score
This is the Bradford factor score is a simple calculation which allows you to measure the disruption caused by an employee's absence. The theory behind this is that many short spells are far more disruptive than one long spell of absence. The calculation takes the total number of absence spells (S) and squares it, and then multiplies this by the total duration taken off (D). i.e. Bradford score = S2 X D

Absence Rate
This is the percentage of time logged as absent compared with the total time that should have been worked according to the employee's contracted hours / days. You can set the employee's contracted hours/days by editing their employee record and clicking on the Employment tab.

Absence Frequency
This is the number of absence spells during the reported period. An absence spell is the number of consecutive days in which absence has been taken. An absence which starts on a working day, has non working days in between and then continues after the next working day is considered one absence spell. (i.e. John is ill from Friday to Monday. Even though Saturday and Sunday are not considered working days this is not counted as a break from the absence and this is considered one absence spell).

Total Duration
This is the total duration of absence taken off during the reported period. Depending on the units you have chosen to record absence in, this is either the total days or total hours. Do not mix units otherwise this figure will contain the sum of both, e.g. if you record 1 day or absence and 2 hours of absence, the total would be 3, which is meaningless as you do not know what is hours and what is days, and may appear to be less time than someone else who takes off 5 hours.

Average Duration
This is the mean value of each absence spell, and is simply the total absence duration divided by the absence frequency.

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