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Rate Codes

Rate codes

Updated over a week ago

Please ensure you have a good understanding of what rate codes are before reading this page. You can find out more by reading the help page "Rate Codes" in section "Rates Management". This page describes the process of setting up your different rate codes.

To configure your rate codes, go to Settings->"Rate Codes & Units", and then select "Rates". To create a new rate, click on "Create new rate" in the left hand toolbar, or to edit an existing one, click on the edit icon on the right hand side of the rate name in the table. The following describes the fields you can configure for each rate:

Rate Name: This is the name you will refer to your rate internally, and is visible to administrators only when assigning rate codes to project.
Rate Code: This is a unique code to identify the rate. It is useful for importing purposes, as you will need to reference your rates by this code. Rate Type: This is the most important field here, as it defines the way the rate quantities can be entered in a timesheet. Not only can you track time, but you can also track numerical quantities, for instance you could track miles driven in a timesheet, or track the number of sales calls made or number of postal deliveries made. There are various rate types for tracking hours and days, which are self-explanatory. The remaining ones which do not refer to hours or days are described below:

  • Custom 1/0 drop down. This provides a drop-down list for the user to select 1 or 0. For example, if you pay your workers by shift, you only need to know whether they performed a shift or not. You can use this to track any other Yes/No value you wish.

  • Custom integer / decimal value. Use this to track anything. You could use integer to track miles / km driver, or use decimals or if your workers were electricians, you might want to use decimal to track the number of metres of cable used.

  • Currency. Track a currency amount if you wish to record expenses within a timesheet. Please see our expenses section as you may wish to use an expense form instead.

  • Break. This rate type will be deducted from the total, rather than being added to it.

Rate Units: Specify your own units for a rate type. Please note "Hours" and "Days" are created automatically and cannot be removed.
Name in timesheet: Choose a specific description for your rate code which will be visible to your end users in their timesheets.
Display order: The order amongst other rate codes which this one is displayed. Only applicable when assigning more than 1 rate code to a task.
Available days: The days of the week in which time can be allocated to this rate code. A timesheet will display the field in read-only mode for any days which are unticked. This is useful if you wish to define separate rate codes for weekday or weekend work.
Man days: This section only shows if you have selected an hourly rate type. The tick box "Convert hours to man-days" allows you to record your time in hours but bill / pay in days. The "min hours for half day" specifies the number of hours required to charge for a half day, and the "min hours for a full day" specifies the number of hours required to charge for a full day. For instance, if your half day value is 3.5 hours and full day value is 7 hours, then if a user records 4 hours, they have been considered to have worked half a day, or if they record 7.5 or more hours, it is considered a full day. Please note when using this feature, you must set your pay / charge rate for the DAY, and not for the HOUR.

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