When a timesheet is submitted, it will either go into the Submitted state or the Approved state, depending on whether the timesheet submitter requires timesheet approval or not. Once submitted, approved or exported, a timesheet can no longer be edited by the submitter under normal circumstances. Even if the timesheet submitter is an approver, the locked timesheet cannot be amended.
Administrators however may modify a locked timesheet. To modify a timesheet, go to the Timesheet Management page and locate the timesheet by adding date filters and/or employee name filters on that page. Once you have located the timesheet, click on the Edit link on the right hand side of the timesheet. You may now make changes. If you want to unlock the timesheet, just change the status back to Draft to allow the employee to have access to modify the timesheet.
When a timesheet is in the locked state (submitted, approved or exported), then any changes made it to will go in the timesheet audit log. Therefore if you edit a timesheet which is in this state and change any of the time values or the status, all these modifications are recorded and cannot be deleted.
Describes how administrators can modify existing timesheets
Updated over 11 months ago